A beauty & lifestyle blog

Thursday 26 February 2015

The Zara Heels

I recently did a naughty and put in a little Zara UK online order…woops! I was originally stalking the website for the gorgeous green and black tie dye shirt, which I did purchase fyi! But upon browsing their lust-worthy shoe collection I came across these beauties… aren't they pretty?!  I’m not really a heel wearer but when I saw these, something in me just…changed! Whether it was the gorgeous detail or the shape of them I’m not sure, but I love them! Judging by my ASOS Heels post, I think I'm subconsciously lusting after heels lately! 

I’m not into fancy smancy, bright coloured, faffy heels; my tastes are quite simple, but still chic and these fit that bill perfectly. They’re a gorgeous suede and the intricate edging and detail give them that little something extra!

They are quite high (5 inches to be exact) but as they have a platform as well they aren’t too difficult to totter about in! I've worn them out since taking this photo and can confirm that my feet lasted about 4 hours before the balls of my feet started screaming at me to take the heels off, I think that’s pretty good going for a non-heel wearer! …by the end of the 4 hours though I do admit that a girlfriend of mine had to give me a piggy-back because I just couldn’t walk anymore in them! HA! But it won’t stop me from wearing them!

High Heel Platform Sandal £39.99 - Zara UK


  1. hey, i just wanted to let you know i have nominated you for the versatile blogger awacd,you can see it on my blog, http://beautysimperfections.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/the-versitile-blogger-award.html ,have a great day! x

  2. These shoes are gorgeous I love the detailing it gives a nice edge to a classic shoe/colour :) They'll look amazing with your tie-dye shirt which I am now lusting over as we speak haha! x


    1. Thanks lovely :) Zara have some great pieces in at the moment! xo


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