A beauty & lifestyle blog

Saturday 22 April 2017

Current Skincare Favourites

As you can guess by the title (and see) I've been loving me a lot skin care recently. I don't know why, but my skin has decided to get even dryer (thanks skin!) lately and i've been piling on the products to try and help it.

Sunday 2 April 2017

Beauty & The Beast // Day Out in London

Well well well, isn't a new blog post a sight for sore eyes around these parts?! I’ve been missing in action for far too long! TBH I just haven't been feeling the whole blogging thang for a while, and I’ve been super busy - I’ve been a total gym bunny lately, thats for another post! - but today I feel like I've got my mojo back and actually want to take the time to sit down and write about something thats happened in my life and share it on my lil ol’ space on the interwebs.

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