A beauty & lifestyle blog

Saturday 5 April 2014

Weekend Polish Of Choice...

Am I tempting fate too much by bringing out the spring nail colours already? Well I just don't care! I could do with some spring in my life right now and have decided to go for this beaut of a shade! It's a corally orangey pinkish shade if that makes sense (which it probably doesn't!).  This shade just puts a smile on my face! Which is what you need when the weather is a bit pants!

I know Chanel are known for their polishes to chip quickly and to not last that long, but the colours are just so lush that I don't really think about that! Plus, just wack a great top coat on and it should be fine for a couple days!

Hope all you lovelies are having a great weekend! I hear its the Grand National today, I'd completely forgotten! I might put a lil bet on, but I can't watch it, I ball my eyes out and tense up every time the horses jump over one of those hedge things lol! Anyways, have a great weekend! xo

Friday 4 April 2014

Sweet Tooth Craving (A Healthy Alternative) ...

I don’t know about anyone else but I have one mahoosive sweet tooth! I just can’t help myself when it comes to all things bad for you! So I tried to find something that was sweet enough to tide my cravings over without being super unhealthy and adding those dreaded inches to my hips! (Damn you Reese’s Pieces!) Well, I’ve managed to put down the chocolate and have turned to this instead…

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