A beauty & lifestyle blog

Monday 16 February 2015

Valentines Weekend

Me and the boyf had our day all planned out but why is it when you’ve planned something, sometimes that plan just doesn’t happen?! We decided that we would go to Lulworth for the day, we both love it there and there was a walk along the cliffs that I had wanted to do. In the evening we were going to go for dinner at one of our favourite Indian restaurants – well, none of that actually happened!...

My sister and some other family members I hadn’t seen in a while decided to pay us a visit during the day, so after spending time with them it was far too late to travel down to Lulworth for the day! *sad face! We also decided that as we weren't going to Lulworth we might as well save our pennies and not go out for dinner in the evening but spend some time alone, just us two!

We ended up going to Basingstoke for the day, to have a wonder around the shops and we decided that we’d go for a wagamamas – we both bloody love that restaurant! Who doesn't, right?! We also spotted a new American sweet shop there! As we had quite a late lunch, rather than have dinner at home, we decided to pig out on our American goodies and watch films. We ended up having a really chilled and lovely day despite out plans not happening. As cheesy as it sounds, if things don’t turn out the way you plan them, just go with the flow and make the best of it!

These things are seriously amazing!!
Whether you spent the valentine’s weekend with someone special or surrounded by your friends, I hope you all had a great one! xo

Ps. On the Sunday a couple of friends dragged me to see #50ShadesofGrey, yep, thats right, I caved and went to see it. I wanted to know what all the fuss was about... lets just say Grey is actually pretty hot! lol


  1. Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award !



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