A beauty & lifestyle blog

Wednesday 26 October 2016

The Halloween Outfit // Stranger Things

Yes, I'm going there... for Halloween this year I've decided (like many others out there I'm sure) to go as Eleven from Stranger things. Stranger Things is one of those CULT shows on Netflix that I really didn't want to like because everyone raved about it but it drew me in and I became instantly and completely OBSESSED! I mean c'mon, who doesn't love this show and wouldn't want to be a part of it (or pretend to be) in some small way?!

I found a few pieces to help get me lookin all Eleven and decided to share them in case any of you awesome lot out there fancy getting your Stranger Things Halloween costume on:-

What Happiness Is To You #3

I woke up this morning and thought to myself that today WAS going to be a good day! I'm determined to have a positive mental attitude and to not let things get me down! I'm a huge advocate of finding the silver linings in situations and finding happiness in all the little things in life.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Mini Boots Haul

After my last "Debbie Downer" blog post, I now bring you a little "I need to pick myself up out of this funk" mini Boots haul.

Now I've been off work for about 3 weeks and spent some of that time in and out of hospital.  Its impossible to be off and not trawl through blog posts and youtube videos hearing all about the latest and prettiest beauty products that everyones loving - I just couldn't handle it anymore so thought I would pull myself out of my sicky post-op funk with a little Boots haul, I fancied trying some "drug store" products out that people seem to rave about and ones that I hadn't tried before...

Tuesday 11 October 2016

The Tonsillectomy!

I know my little space on the world wide web is mainly talking about beauty and other crap I like, but I wanted to put this post out there in case there was someone else in my position who wanted to know what its like to go through something like this.

As you can probably guess by the title (and from my lack of posts, if anyone actually follows my little blog), I recently went through a tonsillectomy (yes, its as gross as it sounds!)... I'm so glad I had it done, but if I'm being brutally honest, it was probably one of the worst experiences of my life!...
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