A beauty & lifestyle blog

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Estée Lauder Treats

Well what can I say; the title says it all really! I decided to treat myself to some new foundation at the weekend and while I was there I ended up picking up a little something else as well.

First up, the Estée Lauder Double Wear Light Foundation - I don’t often wear foundation (I’m still looking for a good tinted moisturiser) but when I do, I don’t like it to look too cakey and I like it to last! I’ve been using the Georgio Armarni Luminous Silk Foundation and I do love it, but it was getting a bit too dark for my skin tone so wanted to try something new. I’ve tried the Estée Lauder Double Wear Light Foundation before and know it doesn’t break me out, plus the shade ranges are great! This one matches my skin tine perfectly!

I know Estée Lauder foundations have a reputation for being full coverage, thick and cakey looking but the light one is far from that tag – its the perfect medium coverage that can be built up if you wish, it doesn’t look cakey at all and lasts all freakin’ day (and night!), trust me! I’ve really been enjoying wearing this foundation, it applies beautifully (I apply mine with either my fingers or my Zovea 102 Silk Finish brush and it doesn’t cling to the dry patches on my face like my Giorgio Armani one does.

My second Estée Lauder purchase comes in the form of their Double Wear Brush-on Glow BB Highlighter.  I saw Susie from Hello October wearing this in a recent YouTube video and really wanted to give a go. This is basically the YSL Touche Eclate but with slightly mover coverage, which is just what I wanted. I use this to brighten under my eye area – I have insane dark circles so anything that brightens that area up, I’m all for! Again, I’ really enjoying wearing this product, but I don’t think I’d repurchase this one, it’s not a must for me (the Bobbie Brown Corrector is a must for dark circles FYI!) but it’s just nice to have in my collection.

The next time you find yourself walking past an Estée Lauder counter, I would definitely recommend switching these products and maybe asking for a sample of the foundation to take away with you! xo


  1. Gorgeous pictures!

    xo. Kelly // http://www.Elegantic.nl

  2. So many amazing sounding products, I have to say I'm quite jealous hehe
    Rachel Coco

    1. Thank you :) discount codes help... a lot! lol xo

  3. I need to try that double wear light! So many people rave about double wear but I find it far too cakey!

    Claire x Beauty & le Chic

    1. Same, I cant get on with the full on cake face one, but I think you'll really like this! xo


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