A beauty & lifestyle blog

Monday 10 February 2014

Charles Worthington Overnight Treatment

I was bumbling round the isles of Boots during my lunch break (as per!) trying to find a hair mask (I’ve using an oil but wanted an actual hair mask!) that you didn’t need to use in-between shampoo and conditioning… aint nobody got time to wait around for 5 minutes in between that for your hair mask to “set in” or whatever it does!  I wanted to find a hair mask/treatment that I could leave in my hair overnight! 

So on my trawling the hair care isles, I stumbled across the new (or at least I think it’s new) hair care line from Charles Worthington…and what should instantly catch my eye (besides the sleek packaging) but their overnight hair treatment masks!!! More specifically the Overnight Ultimate Hair Healer, they have masks and treatments for alllll different hair types, but this one suited me! Enriched with Argon Oil, the silky light-weight creme acts as a healing mask for dry and fine hair.  This stuff also smells amazing!

I use two pumps of the product and work it mainly through the lengths and ends of my hair, if there’s any product left over on my hands ill run it through my roots a bit too.  I then twist it up in a bun and nod off for the night! (This product also says that it shouldn’t leave a greasy mark on your pillow, they don’t lie! I woke up in the morning and no marks/stains/product residue at all!)

I wake up in the morning and wash my hair as normal (I use the Ever Riche Nourish & Taming shampoo and conditioner throughout the week), spritz a little heat protector through my hair and some Oribe Maximister of course! And then blowdry.  When my hair is dry, I really notice a difference – even after the first use, AMAZING!!! My hair felt and looked soft, healthier and that horrible dry look your ends get sometimes when you need a cut, had all but gone! I would HIGHLY recommend these hair masks, any product that gives results after the first use and does exactly what it says on the tin, gets a MASSIVE thumbs up from me! Seriously go grab yourself a bottle!... I think it’s currently on offer in Boots too! Quick!


  1. I love the idea of an overnight treatment for hair! This sounds great x


    1. My hair has never felt so soft! You should defo give it a try!! Not too pricey for a hair mask either! :) xo

  2. Thanks for checking out my blog, dear:)
    I am your follower on GFC(159)

  3. this sounds great! :)


    1. My hair seriously loves this stuff! Its not felt this healthy in a long time! lol xo


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