A beauty & lifestyle blog

Monday 4 April 2016

Beauty Haul // Boots & Lush

Another fresh wage packet, another haul! I just can't help myself.  Me and the boyf took a trip to town at the weekend and I did just a little bit of shopping...

The first place I went to spend a small fortune was Boots.  Firstly Rimmel was 3 for 2, so no judging! I spotted this Rimmel Lasting Finish Concealer, swatched and it and was really impressed with it.  It has super full coverage without feeling cakey, I decided that this needed to be part of my concealer collection (hands up if your a concealer addict like me!), I also picked up the Rimmel Finishing Touch Ultra Shine Top Coat, I wanted to paint my nails with one of my Chanel nail polishes but didn't have a top coat - I've used this and can report great things! My Chanel nail polish didn't chip for a like a whole week, this is some serious shit right here, everyone needs this top coat!!  And as it was 3 for 2 I decided to pick up a back up of my favouritest blush in the whole world, Rimmel Santa Rose, it might not look like much in the pan, but on the cheeks its stunning!

I'd recently ran out of my Soap & Glory Super Cat Pen Liner, so naturally I picked up another one straight away.  This is hands down one of the best pen eye liners I've ever used, I just can't be without it.

You can't leave Boots without checking the makeup brush isle! While I was browzing I noticed they had the Real Techniques Brush Cleansing Palette, I just had to pick this up - I don't like cleaning my brushes at the best of times so anything that makes it easier, bring it on - I have given this a try an will report back in a post soon!  I also picked up another pair of my all time favourite falsies, the Eylure Fleur de Force lashes in Fleur Loves - they were the last pair and they were mine!

My last stop was Lush.  I'd recently watched a youtube video where Victoria from In The Frow talked about how good the Lush Million Dollar Moisturiser was and as I was in a spendy mood, I decided to give it a go.  It smelt amazing (fyi, its very heavily scented) and looked incredible when I swatched it on the back of my hand; at £32 it wasn't the cheapest but the shop assistant said how great it was for dry, parched skin and that some of the girls even use it as a primer before makeup.  I fell hook, line and sinker and bought it... although I kinda wish I hadn't now.  Its a long story and I'll go into it a bit more in another post, but I've had a major allergic reaction to this moisturiser and it's bought my skin out in a horrible rash! Word to wise, if you have sensitive skin, I'd say away from this product!

Hope you all are having a lovely week so far... I can't believe the turn around in the weather, it was glorious sunshine at the weekend and now its poopy and raining! xo



  1. great choices!

  2. Lovely picks! I love the look of Fluer's Lashes :) x

    Abi | abistreetx

    1. They're my favourite lashes at the moment! You NEED to give them a go! xx

  3. So many goodies - I really must pick up the Rimmel blush in Santa Rose!

    Lucy | Forever September


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