A beauty & lifestyle blog

Sunday 26 January 2014

The January Detox: Part 2...

The healthy eating...

I know this is one of those things that everyone says that they’re going to do in the New Year, but I really have been giving this a go! Eating healthy really isn’t that hard and you can find lots of healthy recipes out there online!

Firstly, I've been stocking up on my vitamins.  With all the over eating on the not so healthy stuff, the late nights, the drinking… lets just say its left my skin looking a little lacklustre and dull! …Que Fountain.  I discovered this in Boots (it’s currently in their 3 for 2 offer) and thought it sounded interesting! The reviews online give it a thumbs up so I’m hoping its going to work some magic with my skin and give it some glow from within! It's also said to be "the" new anti ageing product! I take one tea spoon of this before bed (if you dont like the taste, you can also mix in to a drink). I haven't noticed too much of a difference in my complexion yet, but will keep you posted! I think its one of those products that gives results further down the line!

I've also been taking a multi vitamin in the morning and if I'm feeling a little more tired and blah than usual, I take a B12 vitamin, I find this perks me up and also helps your immune system.

I've been loading my shopping basket with lots of fruit! Fruits are high in natural sugars, so i tend to have an apple in the morning to get me going and kick start my metabolism (although at weekends, I treat myself to a bowl of Lucky Charms with Soya milk or a croissant - I don't like to restrict myself too much!) I’ve also been loading up on my veg! Swapping that packet of crisps for a handful of carrot sticks.

One of my favourite dinners at the moment is my chicken and sun blushed tomato salad! Its super quick and easy and really does fill me up. drizzled with a little balsamic vinegar - perfection!

Some of the healthy recipes I've found online that I’m loving right now…







  1. That salad looks really good, I have to say! I'd love to hear a review down the line on the Foundation - I keep seeing it in Boots but wondering if it would work! xoxo
    The perks of being a hipster - Victoria’s Secrets Giveaway!

  2. I want to try fountain, sounds like just the thing my skin needs at the moment!!

    I am running a giveaway over on my blog, besure to check it out and enter.

    1. It does taste a bit funky, but i can get past that! I think its one of those products that you notice the benefits over time!... I'll defo check out your giveaway :) xo

  3. That chicken salad looks incredible - and all the colours of the fruits are so inviting, it's lovely to start off a new year in this way :)

    flawedfairytale fashion

    1. Thank you lovely :) Im on a bit of a friut and veg binge at the mo haha! xo


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