A beauty & lifestyle blog

Friday 22 August 2014

Inspiration: Glamping!

*Image Source:  Pinterest

I’m going camping this weekend or should I say “glamping”! and for once I’m actually kinda excited about it! Is that weird?! Lol We decided to scrap the crappy little 2 man tent where you find yourself trying to get dressed laying down and waking up all smushed together, this time me, the boyf and 2 of our closest friends decided to get one MAWHOOSIVE 8 man tent together! I posted a picture of just how big it actually is on my twitter, you can have a nosey at that here.
It was a complete bargain! It was an eye watering £700 but we managed to get it in the Millets sale for a more reasonable £250 with an extra 10% off on top of that! Hazaar! (You get student discount in Millets by the way! I also found a 10% code on their website!).
So in honour of our new tent, I decided that I want to go all out and try and get in to the glamping spirit! So here is some inspiration to get me in the glamping mood and to give me some ideas of what to bring to make this camping experience that little bit sweeter!...



*The pictures in this post are not mine, they are all sourced from Pinterest.

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