A beauty & lifestyle blog

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Brand Focus // Indeed Labs

I've not done one of these "brand focus" blog posts before but when I realised that I use more Indeed Labs products in my skin care routine than any other brand, I just had to give them a rave on my blog!

I'll start by saying that I have quite dry and dehydrated skin. It sometimes gets so dry that it gets a lil flaky and patchy and dull (I know, gross!). I realised that I wanted to do something to tackle this but without breaking the bank! It just so happened that Indeed Labs have everything I need to tackle all my horrid skin problems and all without the hefty price tag - I pick up my Indeed Labs products from Boots and they're usually on a 3 for 2 deal or something like that!

First up, let’s talk about the Hydraluron Moisture Serum - everyone and their mother knows about this by now surly, it’s done some serious rounds in the Blogasphere! Hydraluron Moisture Serum contains a pure form of hyaluronic acid, an incredibly hydrating ingredient that holds up to 1,000 times its weight in water with red marine algae which helps with maximum delivery. The result – better hydrated, moisture nourished, plumped up skin. I used to get super dry patches between my brows, under my eyes and for some reason on my cheeks near my lips. I've been using the Hydraluron Moisture Serum for a little under 2 months day and night and can honestly say I’ve notice a big difference in not only the texture but the plumpness of it too!

Next on the rave list is Pepta Bright. Because my skin was so dehydrated, it was looking quite grey and dull and just generally lifeless – without makeup on I looked like a corpse pretty much! I needed something to brighten up my skin and bring some life back in to my face – that’s where this babe comes in. Pepta Bright is a lightweight and moisture rich serum that helps reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation while promoting overall skin radiance, leaving a more even toned, luminous complexion. Again, I’ve been using this for the past 2 months and have really noticed a difference – no more corpse face for me! & anything that adds an extra layer of hydration to my parched face is always a winner!

Finally, the Hydraluron Moisture Masks – these are like my little secret weapons! If I know I’m going to be going to an event or anywhere special, or if my skin is really playing up (or I just fancy a general pamper), I pop one of these on after I’ve cleansed my skin and leave it for like 20 to 30 minutes and BAYUM my skin is hydrated, plumped, baby’s bottom smooth and lookin oh so lovely! I say every woman needs this lil secret weapon in their beauty stash! I won’t go in to too much detail because I’ve already raved about these beauts before (you can see my review here if you like), but I will say that it’s like a massive shot of the Hydraluron Moisture Serum all at once and my skin loves it, these are also the easiest masks you will ever use… I love them so much that I’ve even got a few friends in to them. A friend of mine recently had some sever dry and red looking patches on her skin – I recommended these masks to her, I worked its magic and now she’s hooked!

Looong post is long!! Sorry about the essay but I like I said, I just can’t rave about Indeed Labs enough – I could have written more, but I restrained myself! If you want to find out more info on these products, I recommend checking out their website. Hope you beauts are having a great week! I now have a 5 day weekend, get in!!

1 comment

  1. These all sound amazing! I'd love to try the face masks, I've read so many positive reviews on them!



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