A beauty & lifestyle blog

Sunday 2 April 2017

Beauty & The Beast // Day Out in London

Well well well, isn't a new blog post a sight for sore eyes around these parts?! I’ve been missing in action for far too long! TBH I just haven't been feeling the whole blogging thang for a while, and I’ve been super busy - I’ve been a total gym bunny lately, thats for another post! - but today I feel like I've got my mojo back and actually want to take the time to sit down and write about something thats happened in my life and share it on my lil ol’ space on the interwebs.

If you don't know that the Beauty & The Beast movie is now out in cinemas… i’m sorry, are you even alive?! Me and one of my best gals decided to celebrate the day Beauty & The Beast opened in cinemas by taking the day off work, having a day in London and going to watch this MUCH anticipated Disney classic at the Electric Cinema in Portobello.

We started our day early, we wanted to make the most out of this trip! We headed up on the 9:06am train to London Waterloo with a bottle of bucks fizz and fancy croissants …which is the only way to travel up to London that early on your day off! Needless to say we had a nice little buzz when we arrived in the big smoke!

First up was breakfast - the most important meal of the day (the croissants and bucks fizz didn't count! lol). Now, my gal hooked us UP (I feel so American, even just typing that line lol!) and made us reservations at The Ivy Market Grill - I swear to Odin it was like stepping back in time, it was all very art deco and 1920s style - I went to the loo and I may as well have been peeing in the 1900’s on the freakin Titanic, the decor of the entire place was stunning! And the food! It was the fanciest breakfast I have ever eaten and it was SO GOOD! (I had the ago on toast).

After spending what was probably the best part of 2 hours at breakfast (and after consuming A LOT of coffee) we decided to go for a little moochies. We popped in to a couple of shops around Covent Garden. We then decided to make a stop at Selfridges (where a little bit of shopping at Bobbi Brown may have taken place) - we also stopped at the Disney Store and Forever 21, how can you not when you’re in Oxford Circus.

We had a bit of time before hitting up the cinema so decided to go for drinks at Trailer Happiness (my gal also found this pace - she is crazy god at finding good food and drink venues!). Its this little rum cocktail bar - we may have had one too many cocktails, but when your cocktail comes in a huge skull glass how could you not want more?!

Before we new it it was time to head to the cinema… if you EVER get a chance to go here, grab it with both hands and don't let go. Every time I visit an Electric Cinema I alway have the BEST cinema experience, its pure cinema luxury and just such a treat! It also makes you feel super fancy and who doesn't like to feel super fancy yet super relaxed?!

And can we just talk about the film?! I won’t be one of those spoilers, but if you’ve seen the movie, wasn't it just so beautiful?! When they started to sing the songs from the old Disney classic I almost cried like every time and loved how they gave you a little more back story in to things, SO GOOD!!! Also, Emma Watson really surprised me, she knocked this role out of the park and was actually a pretty great Belle!

I’ll wrap this up here as its already a pretty epically long post. Hope all you lovelies are having a cracking weekend… isn't the weather glorious today? I hope the sun is here to stay for a while xo

1 comment

  1. I'm still waiting to see Beauty and The Beast, I've only heard good things though - excited to see it!


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