A beauty & lifestyle blog

Monday 12 December 2016

A Mini Beauty Routine While You Sleep?

In the colder months my skin gets dryer and dryer and I find myself needing to do more to please my skin, but these days who has the time during the week to come home and do a full on spa/pamper session? Well I certainly don’t! What with overtime at work and trying to cram some time in to see your boyfriend/fiancĂ© and friends in the evenings, by the time I'm finished I'm ready for bed and the last thing I want to do is spend half an hour putting on a face mask, waiting for it to dry, washing it off, you know the drill – I wanted something that will work its miracles on me while I'm catching those much needed zzz's.

SO, the other night I dug deep into my beauty stash and came up with some products that will help me do just that! 

If you read my blog at all, ya'll will already know that my skin is super sensitive and for the most part quite dry and dehydrated, and even more so in the cover months - I wanted something to put some life, omph and plumpness back into my skin! Well, Say hello to the Bobbi Brown Skin Nourish Mask. This really is a little miracle. I have a full review here if you want to check that out before you buy ;) I slap this on as my moisturiser step and in the morning I wake up with VERY happy and plumped skin! Isn't the packaging just so pretty too?! (I'm pretty sure this product is exclusive to John Lewis, but you must be able to find this on the Bobbi Brown website too). 

I think most of us suffer with dry lips in the winter - or if you're like me and work in an office with air-con blaring out all day, dry lips all year round! This Clarins Lip Oil has been my absolute saviour! I smother my lips in this and let it work its healing powers on my poor lips over night - I really do see a different in the texture of my lips when I wake up the next morning. This product also smells crazy good, which always helps when its a product thats going on your lips!

My last step in this simple 3 part spa/pamper shesh is a good hair mask - I reach for the Sachajuan Hair Repair. I don't use this too often so I opted for the travel size (which is still a pretty decent size!). I put this through the ends of my hair and work whatever excess in to the roots. I then just pin my hair up with a bobby pin and I'm done! The next morning I wash it out and I'm left with silky smooth hair!

I should have called this post the lazy girls guide to a pamper sesh! Ha! Anyways, now you know my secret to a no-faff simple mid-week pamper sesh - you need to get on this train with me, your skin, hair and lips will thank thank you for it :) xo

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