A beauty & lifestyle blog

Saturday 9 July 2016

That Summer Glow

I've been rocking the pasty skin look recently - well lets face it, we've had like 2 days of summer so far this year and when you work in an office you only really get the weekends to appreciate the sunshine!  I decided that I needed to get my tan on, the fake way. I wanted something that would give me a nice summer glow, just a hint of tan and a glowy complexion.

I'm not a regular fake tan user, I can't deal with the whole moose and mit thing, I've tried it before and I ended up looking like a tanned zebra with dodgy orange hands! I think anyone can agree thats not a great look! I'm more of a gradual tanner type of gal so the St. Tropez In Shower Gradual Tanner (in light to medium) is perfect for me!

The St. Tropez In shower Gradual Tanner is perfect for giving the skin a natural healthy summer glow thats not too obvious and OTT, but gives the skin that lil boost of somethin' somthin'!

It's super easy to apply! As its an in-shower thang I always use a body scrub before I apply it (my favourite is the Soap & Glory The Breakfast Scrub), I then scrub a dub dub with my shower gel, put my conditioner on, pin my hair up and then apply the tanner.  I use a generous helping to cover myself and it says to stand for about 3 minutes or so - I tend to stand for about 5 - and always make sure I have my iPad in the bathroom with me, standing for 3 - 5 minutes in the shower can seem like forever, at least with a youtube vid on in the background or a bit of music to listen to/have a dance in the shower to can make the time go by a little quicker.  Once i've given it 5 minutes or so to settle in, I rinse and I'm ready to glow! - This doesn't have that dodgy fake tan/biscuit smell either, it actually smells quite nice! It has almond extract in it don't you know! You can pick up a big bottle of baby in Boots on offer right now for £9.99!

I went out for work drinks last night so have no idea why I'm up ridiculously early (8:30AM!!) - so I've decided that I need to make myself a pillow fort and have a really lazy day today - wine heads the morning after are the worst, why do I drink white wine?! - Hope you're all having/have a beautiful weekend! xo

Ps. When I hit 500 followers on Bloglovin I'll be doing a little giveaway of a few of my favourite beauty things - which may or may not include a Kat Von D Liquid Lipstick ;) xo


  1. This product sounds like a god send for all of us pale people :-) If my tan doesn't start to appear soon I might try it too!

    1. I'd definitely give it a go! A work friend has the medium to dark one and even that looks pretty good - so natural! xo

  2. I've tried this and actually quite like it and its simplicity - I find it has a biscuity after smell though on my skin anyway which kinda sucks but the initial smell is great!

    Lucy | Forever September

  3. I just love how easy this is and best of all, no streaks! It does have a slight scent but I don't get full on biscuit barrel smell, maybe I'm a little nose blind to the smell or I'm just not applying enough lol xo


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