A beauty & lifestyle blog

Saturday 5 April 2014

Weekend Polish Of Choice...

Am I tempting fate too much by bringing out the spring nail colours already? Well I just don't care! I could do with some spring in my life right now and have decided to go for this beaut of a shade! It's a corally orangey pinkish shade if that makes sense (which it probably doesn't!).  This shade just puts a smile on my face! Which is what you need when the weather is a bit pants!

I know Chanel are known for their polishes to chip quickly and to not last that long, but the colours are just so lush that I don't really think about that! Plus, just wack a great top coat on and it should be fine for a couple days!

Hope all you lovelies are having a great weekend! I hear its the Grand National today, I'd completely forgotten! I might put a lil bet on, but I can't watch it, I ball my eyes out and tense up every time the horses jump over one of those hedge things lol! Anyways, have a great weekend! xo


  1. i just love corals for the spring time. essie cute as a button is my fave.


  2. I love Chanel polishes! I don't find my chip that quickly compared to any other polish- but then I do use my (amazing) Seche Vite over it, like all my other polishes
    Daniella x


  3. nice colour


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