A beauty & lifestyle blog

Friday 21 March 2014

My New Baby!

Ok, so I know in my bio I say that I try and post every Sunday and Wednesday…and try I really do! But I didn’t actually have a laptop of my own since mine decided to die on me the beginning of last year! So I was using the parents’ laptops, which when they want to use it or take it away for work, makes it very difficult to blog!

Well, I finally had enough and decided to invest in a laptop of my very own…not just any laptop, a brand spankin shiny new Apple iMac Pro laptop with retina display ahhhhh! *insert a million heart eyed emojis!! She’s my new baby and I lover her oh so much! I just had to show her off! Isn’t she a beaut?! …all I need next is a brand new camera and I’m set forever ha! But my new baby will do for now ;) I’m just so glad to be able to actually blog more regularly; it’s something that I truly love to do!


  1. I just got this too and i'm sooooo in love! I swear my blog posts have been better since I got it too because I love typing on it so much and everything looks so much glossier :)

    Josie xoxo Fashion Mumblr

    1. I don't know how I coped so long without one now lol! ...although I'm still getting used to it! lol xx

  2. I want one so badly! You are lucky to have one, hope you will written more often now :)

    Melane | Oh Sweet Remedy


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